Friday, May 1, 2009


May God be gracious to us and bless us; look on us with favor 2 so that Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.

Psalms 67:1-2 (HCSB)

Why does God bless us? In our human minds this seems like a simple question. In fact it seems like a question that doesn't really even need to be asked. In our humanness we assume God blesses us for us. The psalmist gives us a wonderful Kingdom truth for the Christ follower. It is that God doesn't really bless us for us. He blesses us for Himself.

Throughout the Old Testament and New we find this amazing (at least to us) truth that God blesses His people for His name's sake. Sure He wants us to be blessed but His primary reason for blessing is not us but it is Him. This might seem selfish to us but it isn't for the creator of the universe.

When God blesses it is for His name to be praised among the nations, that all people will know Him and His greatness. It is always about Him and as a Christ follower we need to shift our thinking to understand and reflect that truth in our lives.

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