Monday, May 9, 2011

The Withered Hand

Stretch out your hand.
Luke 6:10

My wife and I in our devotional reading this morning read this from the author of our devotional, Chris Tiegreen:  "Even though we have so little to offer Him, He still requires something of us -a withered hand.  We must take this sin -racked limb -the epitome of our fallen nature -and stretch it out to Him."

There was much Tiegreen was teaching in his devotional but God spoke to me about us as Christ followers.  All of us have a "withered hand".  There is something in us that is damaged and racked by sin.  We have hang ups, habits and addictions.  We have areas of sin that are continually there to be reckoned with.  What do we do we these things? 

I fear that we have taken this approach.  We are hiding the offending limb.  We are using it as an excuse why we can't be used, or serve whole heartedly our master and Lord.  I have heard often in the body of Christ, people say, "I would serve but I can't.  I'm not ready," or even worse, "I'm unfit to serve because of this sin issue in my life." 

What does Jesus want?  He wants us to stretch forth our hand and let Him deal with the brokenness in us.  The truth is we don't want that.  We are comfortable with our sinfulness.  Perhaps we even appreciate the excuse to not do what we know we are called to do but really don't want to do.  God help us!

Christ follower, today stretch out your hand.  Let God deal with your sin riddled limb and then serve Him with every fiber of your being!