Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What we need: To be made Pure

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
Psalms 51:10 (NASB95)

 What do you need?  Spiritually, what do you need?  We often think of revival as something we do maybe once a year or so.  But revival is really a spiritual renewal that needs to be happening regularly.  For King David it did.  Particularly here in Psalm 51.  He has just come off of the whole Bathsheba incident.  He has committed adultery, murder and cover up.  He has been confronted by the prophet and He needs spiritual renewal.

God is so good that He does not abandon us after we have abandoned Him.  David asks, "God create in me a clean heart."  He asks for purity. 

Here is a challenge for us today.  Perhaps we need to go to God confess our sins and ask Him for purity.  Ask Him to clean our heart. 

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