Friday, March 26, 2010

The Cost

Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.
Luke 14:27 (HCSB)

 Milifred Minatrea writes, "Authentic discipleship is costly -it accepts responsibilities."  Jesus said our responsibilities were to bear our own cross, come after Him.  That is a heavy responsibility.  Jesus has a cross, or perhaps we would state differently, a plan for each of our lives.  If we are truly to bear that cross we must do two things:  Understand what the cross is.  Accept the difficulty it may bring.

Jesus never said it would be easy.  But we should remember the second part of what Jesus said, follow Me.  But Jesus went to the cross.  He was willing and prepared to lay it all down on the cross.  We too better be ready if we are claiming to be His disciple to follow Him by willingly laying ourselves on the line for His Kingdom.

It is a heavy cost.  But we are Christ followers!

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